
長田 俊人 (おさだ としひと)

E-mail: osada[at]issp.u-tokyo.ac.jp
Tel/FAX:04-7135-1221, 04-7136-3337




所属学会: 日本物理学会、応用物理学会

所属大学院: 工学系研究科・物理工学専攻


1978年 3月 私立東海高等学校卒業。
1982年 3月 東京大学工学部物理工学科卒業(伊藤研究室)。
1987年 3月 東京大学大学院工学系研究科物理工学専門課程修了(三浦研究室)。
1987年 3月 工学博士(学位記番号:博工第2108号)。
1987年 5月 米国IBM社Thomas. J. Watson研究所客員研究員(Device Physics Group)。
1988年 5月 東京大学教養学部基礎科学科第一助手(鹿児島研究室)。
1992年 3月 東京大学先端科学技術研究センター講師(先端材料大部門・フォトニクス材料分野)。
1996年 3月 東京大学先端科学技術研究センター助教授(先端材料大部門・フォトニクス材料分野)。
1998年 4月 東京大学物性研究所助教授(極限環境物性研究部門・超強磁場量子物性領域)。
2007年 4月 准教授に職名変更。
2016年10月 凝縮系物性研究部門・極限量子物質領域に部門名変更。
2021年 4月 東京大学物性研究所教授(極限環境物性研究部門・超強磁場量子物性領域)。


2006年4月〜現在 (東京大学物性研究所・凝縮系物性研究部門)

1998年4月〜2006年3月 (東京大学物性研究所・超強磁場グループ)

1992年3月〜1998年2月 (東京大学先端科学技術研究センター)

1988年5月〜1992年2月 (東京大学教養学部基礎科学科)

1987年5月〜1988年4月 (米国IBM社Thomas. J. Watson研究所)


2012年4月〜9月  JPSJ編集委員(Associated Editor)
2012年9月〜現在 JPSJ編集委員(Head Editor)
2008年8月〜2009年7月 科研費書面審査委員
2010年8月〜2012年7月 特別研究員等審査会専門委員及び国際事業委員会書面審査員
2013年8月〜2014年7月 科研費審査会専門委員
2014年8月〜2016年7月 特別研究員等審査会専門委員及び国際事業委員会書面審査員
2015年8月〜2016年7月 科研費審査会専門委員



「半導体物理」   工学系物理工学専攻・夏学期隔年(1999・2001・2003・2005・2007・2009・2011・2013・2015・2017・2019年度)
「スピン物性物理」(分担)   工学系物理工学専攻・隔年(2008・2010・2012年度)
「物理工学実験技法(A)」(分担)   工学系物理工学専攻・夏学期隔年(2005・2007・2009・2011・2013・2015年度)
「先端材料論」(分担)  工学系先端学際工学専攻・夏学期(1996・1997年度)
「固体物理2」(分担)  工学系物理工学専攻・冬学期(1996年度)


「全学自由研究ゼミナール・物性科学最前線」(分担)   教養学部・夏学期(1998〜2010年度)
「物理学A(力学)」  教養学部理科U・V類・夏学期(1997年度)


京都大学大学院理学研究科「物理学第一特別講義1」   2017年12月 大阪大学大学院理学研究科「特別講義CI」   2016年6月
神戸大学大学院理学研究科   2008年12月16-17日
A3 Foresight Program Summer School(中国・精華大学)   2007年7月28日
東北大学大学院理学研究科   2006年12月11-13日
山形大学理学部   2004年12月13-15日


平成3(1991)年度 科研費一般研究(C) 課題番号03640298
「トンネル分光法による磁場誘起SDW状態の電子構造の研究」(研究代表者) 1,800千円

平成5(1993)年度 山田科学振興財団研究援助
「量子構造・強磁場による低次元有機超伝導体の電子物性の制御」(研究代表者) 4,000千円

平成6〜7(1994-1995)年度 科研費一般研究(B) 課題番号06452051
「超伝導ネットワークにおける磁束量子の配列秩序とフラストレーション」(研究代表者) 8,700千円

平成6〜8(1994-1996)年度 科研費重点領域研究(1)
「分子性固体における電子構造と電子相関」(計画班分担者) 配分額:18,000千円(領域代表者:鹿児島誠一)

平成9(1997)年度 第38回東レ科学技術研究助成
「強磁場下の擬1次元有機超伝導体における量子物性の研究」(研究代表者) 10,000千円

平成9(1997)年度 科研費萌芽的研究 課題番号09874071
「3次元立体超伝導ネットワークの磁場中超伝導状態の研究」(研究代表者) 2,100千円

平成11〜15(1999-2003)年度 科研費特定領域研究(B)
「半導体ナノ構造の量子光物性とその応用」(計画班分担者) 配分額:5,000千円(領域代表者:三浦登)

平成12〜14(2000-2002)年度 科研費基盤研究(B)(2) 課題番号12440083
「超強磁場における低次元電子系の極限電子相」(研究代表者) 15,300千円

平成12(2000)年度 科研費萌芽研究 課題番号12874034
「アンチドット電子系の巨大負磁気抵抗と電子の粒子性・波動性」(研究代表者) 3,200千円

平成15〜17(2003-2005)年度 科研費基盤研究(B) 課題番号15340110
「有機導体人工構造のスピン密度波量子物性」(研究代表者) 16,700千円

平成15〜19(2003-2007)年度 科研費特定領域研究(B) 課題番号15073206
「強磁場と人工構造による低次元有機導体の量子物性制御」(計画班代表者) 31,200千円(領域代表者:高橋利宏)

平成15〜16(2003-2004)年度 科研費特別推進研究(COE)
「量子ドット構造による電子物性の制御と次世代エレクトロニクスへの応用」(ナノ物理班分担者) 配分額:28,000千円(研究代表者:榊裕之)

平成16〜20(2004-2008)年度 科研費特定領域研究(B) 課題番号16076206
「超構造における異常磁気伝導現象の発現」(計画班分担者) 配分額:18,800千円(計画班代表者:家泰弘、総額:85,500千円)(領域代表者:秋光純)

平成17〜18(2005-2006)年度 科研費萌芽研究 課題番号17654056
「グラファイト人工微細構造の電子物性」(研究代表者) 3,100千円

平成17〜21(2005-2009)年度 科研費特定領域研究 課題番号17072004
「非破壊100テスラ領域の精密物性研究」(計画班分担者) 配分額:4,500千円 (計画班代表者:金道浩一、総額:115,700千円)(領域代表者:野尻浩之)

平成18〜20(2006-2008)年度 日本学術振興会2国間交流事業(韓国との共同研究)
「低次元有機伝導体における磁場中量子伝導現象」(研究代表者) 2,000千円

平成19〜20(2007-2008)年度 科研費基盤研究(B) 課題番号19340095
「FETおよびメゾスコピック構造による超薄膜グラファイトの電子物性の研究」(研究代表者)  15,050千円

平成21〜23(2009-2011)年度(平成24年度まで繰越) 科研費基盤研究(B) 課題番号21340094
「グラフェンの磁場中伝導現象における幾何学的効果」(研究代表者) 15,200千円

平成23〜24(2011-2012)年度 科研費新学術領域研究(新分子物質科学) 課題番号23110705
「有機多層ディラック電子系におけるヘリカル表面状態」(公募研究代表者) 4,200千円(領域代表者:鹿野田一司)

平成23〜24(2011-2012)年度 科研費挑戦的萌芽研究 課題番号23654100
「半導体超構造によるディラック電子系の設計と作製」(研究代表者) 2,800千円

平成25〜26(2013-2014)年度 科研費新学術領域研究(トポロジカル量子) 課題番号25103705
「有機ディラック電子系における量子ホール強磁性相のヘリカルエッジ伝導」(公募研究代表者)  425千円→新学術領域「原子層」採択に伴い辞退(交付予定額:4,940千円)(領域代表者:前野悦輝)

平成25〜29(2013-2017)年度 科研費新学術領域研究(原子層科学) 課題番号25107003
「原子層の量子物性測定と新規物性探索」(計画研究代表者) 52,400+56,100+29,600(+追加配分:4,500)+28,000+25,700=195,300千円(領域代表者:齋藤理一郎)

平成25〜29(2013-2017)年度 科研費新学術領域研究(原子層科学・総括班) 課題番号25107001
「原子層科学の推進」(総括班分担者) 配分額:3,900+5,000+5,050+5,450+5,000=24,400千円(領域・総括班代表者:齋藤理一郎、総額:139,800千円)

平成27〜29(2015-2017)年度 科研費(学術研究助成基金助成金)国際共同研究加速基金(国際活動支援班) 課題番号15K21722
「原子層物質の国際的提供と共同研究の推進」(研究分担者) 配分額:1,280+1,280+1,280=3,840千円 (研究代表者:齋藤理一郎、総額:35,000千円)

平成28〜30(2016-2018)年度 科研費基盤研究(B) 課題番号16H03999
「トポロジカル絶縁体の超薄膜化による次元交差効果とスピン依存伝導」(研究代表者) 6,800+3,300+3,300=13,400千円

令和2〜4(2020-2022)年度 科研費基盤研究(B) 課題番号20H01860
「強磁場極限におけるトポロジカル半金属の新しい量子熱電効果」(研究代表者) 7,600+2,800+2,800=13,200千円

令和3〜5(2021-2023)年度 科研費挑戦的研究(萌芽) 課題番号21K18594
「有機導体における電荷秩序ドメインの配向制御と非線形異常ホール効果の顕在化」(研究代表者) 3,700+1,100=4,800千円

令和5〜7(2023-2025)年度 科研費基盤研究(C) 課題番号
「210+120+30万円/2バンド系における非線形異常ホール効果のバンド間トンネル機構」(研究代表者) 2,100+1,200+300=3,600千円


2001年 ヒューレット・パッカード日本研究所

2001年〜2002年 富士ゼロックス 「新規量子デバイスの開発と強磁場による評価」 (奨学寄附金300千円)


(01) "Self-Modulated Light Outputs from Pulsed Injection Lasers with Optical Feedback", N.Ogasawara, R.Ito, T.Sasaki, T.Osada, and S.Suyama, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 21, No.4, L217-L219 (1982).

(02) "Self-Modulation of Light Output from Semiconductor Lasers with Compound Cavities", N.Ogasawara, R.Ito, T.Sasaki, and T.Osada, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 21, No.10, 1465-1471 (1982).

(03) "Anomaly in the Magnetoresistance in Graphite under Pulsed Magnetic Fields", K.Nakamura, T.Osada, G.Kido, N.Miura, and S.Tanuma, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 52, No.8, 2875-2881 (1983).

(04) "Magneto-Transport and Electronic Phase Transition in Graphite in Magnetic Fields", N.Miura, T.Osada, and T.Goto, Proc. of the 17th Int. Conf. on the Phys. of Semiconductors, edited by J.D.Chadi and W.A.Harrison (Springer-Verlag New York Inc., New York, USA, 1985), p.973-p.976.

(05) "Oscillatory Magnetoresistance in the Field-Induced SDW State in (TMTSF)2ClO4", T.Osada, N.Miura, and G.Saito, Solid State Commun. 60, No.5, 441-444 (1986).

(06) "New Aspects of the Field-Induced SDW State Observed for (TMTSF)2ClO4 in High Magnetic Fields", T.Osada, N.Miura, and G.Saito, Physica 143B, 403-405 (1986).

(07) "Non-Ohmic Transport in the Field-Induced Spin-Density-Wave State in Tetramethyltetraselenafulvalenium Perchlorate, (TMTSF)2ClO4", T.Osada, N.Miura, I.Oguro, and G.Saito, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, No.15, 1563-1566 (1987).

(08) "Electric-Field-Dependence of the Small-Period Oscillation of the Magnetoresistance in (TMTSF)2ClO4", T.Osada, N.Miura, I.Oguro, and G.Saito, Solid State Commun. 64, No.1, 133-136 (1987).

(09) "Nonlinear Magnetotransport of the Magnetic Field-Induced SDW State in the Organic Superconductor", T.Osada, N.Miura, I.Oguro, and G.Saito, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 26, Supplement 26-3, 577-578 (1987).

(10) "Microwave Absorption Studies of Y-Ba-Cu-O", E.J.Pakulis and T.Osada, Phys. Rev. B37, No.10, 5940-5942 (1988).

(11) "Comparison of Microwave Absorption in Single-Crystal and Ceramic YBaCuO", E.J.Pakulis, T.Osada, F.Holtzberg, and D.Kaiser, Physica C153-155, 510-511 (1988).

(12) "Edge States of Anisotropic Two-Dimensional Bloch Electron System under Magnetic Fields", T.Osada and N.Miura , Solid State Commun. 69, No.12, 1169-1172 (1989).

(13) "Non-Ohmic Conduction in the Magnetic Field Induced Spin Density Wave State", T.Osada, N.Miura, and G.Saito, Synthetic Metals 29, F305-F312 (1989).

(14) "Critical Field Anisotropy in "2K-Superconducting State" of Organic Superconductor b-(BEDT-TTF)2I3", T.Sasaki, N.Toyota, M.Hasumi, T.Osada, S.Kagoshima, H.Anzai, M.Tokumoto, and N.Kinoshita, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 58, No.10, 3477-3480 (1989).

(15) "High-Field Magnetotransport and Fermi-Surface Topology in the novel Quasi-Two-Dimensional Organic Conductor Bis(ethylenedithiolo)-Tetrathiafulvalenium Mercuric Potassium Thiocyanate, (BEDT-TTF)2KHg(SCN)4", T.Osada, R.Yagi, A.Kawasumi, S.Kagoshima, N.Miura, M.Oshima, and G.Saito, Phys. Rev. B41, No.8, 5428-5431 (1990).

(16) "Quantum Oscillations of Magnetoresistance in a New Organic Superconductor (BEDT-TTF)2(NH4)Hg(SCN)4", T.Osada, A.Kawasumi, R.Yagi, S.Kagoshima, N.Miura, M.Oshima, H.Mori, T.Nakamura, and G.Saito, Solid State Commun. 75, No.11, 901-905 (1990).

(17) "High-Field Magnetotransport in an Organic Conductor (BEDT-TTF)2KHg(SCN)4", T.Osada, R.Yagi, S.Kagoshima, N.Miura, M.Oshima, and G.Saito, The Physics and Chemistry of Organic Superconductors, edited by G.Saito and S.Kagoshima (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, FRG, 1990), p.220-p.223.

(18) "Electrical Resistance and Upper Critical Field in "2K-Superconducting State" of b-(BEDT-TTF)2I3", T.Sasaki, N.Toyota, M.Hasumi, T.Osada, S.Kagoshima, M.Tokumoto, N.Kinoshita, and H.Anzai, The Physics and Chemistry of Organic Superconductors, edited by G.Saito and S.Kagoshima (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, FRG, 1990), p.142-p.145.

(19) "Semiclassical Interpretation of the Angular Dependent Oscillatory Magnetoresistance in Quasi-Two Dimensional Systems", R.Yagi, Y.Iye, T.Osada, and S.Kagoshima, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 59, No.9, 3069-3072 (1990).

(20) "Commensurability Effect of Magnetoresistance Anisotropy in a Quasi-One-Dimensional Conductor Tetramethyltetraselenafulvalenium Perchlorate, (TMTSF)2ClO4", T.Osada, A.Kawasumi, S.Kagoshima, N.Miura, and G.Saito, Phys. Rev. Lett. 66, No.11, 1525-1528 (1991).

(21) "Fermiology and Unusual High-Field Magnetotransport in Novel Organic Metals (BEDT-TTF)2XHg(SCN)4 (X=K, NH4)", T.Osada, R.Yagi, A.Kawasumi, S.Kagoshima, N.Miura, M.Oshima, H.Mori, T.Nakamura, and G.Saito, Synthetic Metals 42, No.1-2, 2171-2174 (1991).

(22) "Fine Structure of Magnetoresistance Anisotropy in a Quasi-One Dimensional Organic Conductor (TMTSF)2ClO4", T.Osada, A.Kawasumi, S.Kagoshima, N.Miura, and G.Saito, Synthetic Metals 42, No.3, 2385-2388 (1991).

(23) "Nobel Fermi-Surface Topological Effects of Magnetoresistance Anisotropy in Low-Dimensional Organic Superconductors", T.Osada, A.Kawasumi, S.Kagoshima, N.Miura, and G.Saito, Physica C185-189, 2697-2698 (1991).

(24) "Possible Origins of the Difference in the Critical Temperature of Three Superconducting States in b-(BEDT-TTF)2I3", M.Hasumi, T.Osada, S.Kagoshima, N.Kinoshita, H.Anzai, M.Tokumoto, and G.Saito, Synthetic Metals 42, No.1-2, 1977-1980 (1991).

(25) "Angular Dependent Oscillatory Magnetoresistance in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Systems", R.Yagi, Y.Iye, T.Osada, and S.Kagoshima, Synthetic Metals 42, No.1-2, 2237-2240 (1991).

(26) "Overview of Organic Superconductor k-(BEDT-TTF)2[Cu(NCS)2] and its related materials", G.Saito, H.Yamochi, T.Nakamura, T.Komatsu, T.Ishiguro, Y.Nogami, Y.Ito, H.Mori, K.Oshima, M.Nakashima, S.Uchida, H.Takagi, S.Kagoshima, and T.Osada, Synthetic Metals 42, No.1-2, 1993-1998 (1991).

(27) "Magneto-Tunneling Spectroscopy of GaAs-AlGaAs Double Barrier Tunneling Devices in Pulsed High Magnetic Fields up to 40T", N.Miura, K.Yamada, N.Kamata, T.Osada, and L.Eaves, Superlattices and Microstructures 9, No.4, 527-531 (1991).

(28) "Experimental Studies of Three Superconducting States in the Organic Superconductor b-(BEDT-TTF)2I3", M.Hasumi, S.Kagoshima, T.Osada, H.Kobayashi, A.Kobayashi, N.Kinoshita, M.Tokumoto, H.Anzai, and G.Saito, Physica C185-189, 2675-2676 (1991).

(29) "Valence Fluctuations of Copper Ions in the Molecular Conductor (DMeDCNQI)2Cu and (DMODCNQI)2Cu: Structural and Magnetic Aspects", S.Kagoshima, N.Sugimoto, T.Osada, H.Kobayashi, A.Kobayashi, R.Kato, Physica C185-189, 2693-2694 (1991).

(30) "Magnetic and Structural Properties of Mixed-Valence Molecular Conductors (DMeDCNQI)2Cu and (DMeODCNQI)2Cu", S.Kagoshima, N.Sugimoto, T.Osada, A.Kobayashi, R.Kato,H.Kobayashi, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 60, No.12, 4222-4229 (1991).

(31) "Magneto-Tunneling in the n-type-GaAs/AlGaAs Wide-Well Double Barrier Structure under Transverse High Magnetic Fields", T.Osada, N.Miura, and L.Eaves, Solid State Commun. 81, No.12, 1019-1023 (1992).

(32) "Resonance Effect in Magnetotransport Anisotropy of the Quasi-One-Dimensional Conductors", T.Osada, S.Kagoshima, and N.Miura, Phys. Rev. B46, No.3, 1812-1815 (1992).

(33) "Field-Induced Spin-Density-Wave Instability of the Anisotropic Two-Dimensional Electron System under Lateral Superlattice Potential", T.Osada, S.Kagoshima, and N.Miura, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, No.7, 1117-1120 (1992).
*Reply to Yakovenko's Comment: Phys. Rev. Lett. 70, No.17, 2658 (1993).

(34) "Magnetotransport Studies of the Topology of Fermi Surface of the Quasi Two-Dimensional Organic Superconductor (BEDT-TTF)2(NH4)Hg(SCN)4, the Isostructural Metal (BEDT-TTF)2KHg(SCN)4, and the Quasi One-Dimensional Superconductor (TMTSF)2ClO4", S.Kagoshima, T.Osada, A.Kawasumi, R.Yagi, N.Miura, M.Oshima, H.Mori, T.Nakamura, and G.Saito, JJAP Series 7, Mechanisms of Superconductivity, 381-389 (1992).

(35) "Fermi Surface Topology and Electronic Structures of Two-Dimensional Organic Conductors Based on BEDT-TTF and MDT-TTF", T.Nakamura, G.Saito, N.Miura, T.Osada, S.Kagoshima, H.Mori, K.Kanoda, and T.Takahashi, Phosphorus, Sulfur, and Silicon 67, 377-382 (1992).

(36) "High-Field Magnetotransport Phenomena in Organic Low-Dimensional Conductors", T.Osada, S.Kagoshima, and N.Miura, Physica B184, 481-488 (1993).

(37) "Effect of Anion Ordering Superlattice on the Electronic Properties of (TMTSF)2X under Magnetic Fields", T.Osada, H.Shinagawa, S.Kagoshima, and N.Miura, Synthetic Metals 56, No.1, 1795-1802 (1993).

(38) "A Novel Electronic States in (BEDT-TTF)2XHg(SCN)4; X=K, NH4", T.Kouno, T.Osada, M.Hasumi, S.Kagoshima, N.Miura, M.Oshima, H.Mori, T.Nakamura, and G.Saito, Synthetic Metals 55-57, 2425-2430 (1993).

(39) "Charge and Spin States of DCNQI-Cu Salts", S.Kagoshima, A.Miyazaki, T.Osada, Y.Saito, N.Wada, H.Yano, T.Takahashi, K.Kanoda, H.Kobayashi, A.Kobayashi, R.Kato, Synthetic Metals 55-57, 1832-1839 (1993).

(40) "Transport Properties and Electronic Structure of the Novel Organic Superconductor k-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu(CN)[N(CN)2] (Tc=11.2K)", T.Nakamura, T.Komatsu, G.Saito, K.Kato, Y.Maruyama, T.Mori, K.Oshima, T.Osada, S.Kagoshima, N.Miura, and T.Takahashi, Synthetic Metals 56, 2905-2910 (1993).

(41) "Resistance Enhancement by Magnetic Field in the Regime of the Metal-Insulator-Metal Reentrance Transition of the Alloy of Pristine and Fully Deuterated (2,5-dimethyldicyanoquinonediimine)2Cu, (DMeDCNQI)2Cu, Salts", S.Kagoshima, A.Miyazaki, T,Osada, R.Kato, N.Miura, and H.Kobayashi, Synthetic Metals 61, 259-265 (1993).

(42) "Physical Properties and Dimensionality of k-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu(CN)[N(CN)2]", T.Nakamura, T.Komatsu, G.Saito, T.Osada, S.Kagoshima, N.Miura, K.Kato, Y.Maruyama, and K.Oshima, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 62, No.12, 4373-4385 (1993).

(43) "Effect of Superlattice on a Novel Magnetic Oscillatory Phenomenon in Low-Dimensional Organic Conductors (TMTSF)2X", H.Shinagawa, S.Kagoshima, T.Osada, and N.Miura, Physica B201, 490-492 (1994).

(44) "Heat Capacity and Magnetoresistance of the Alloy of Pristine and Fully Deuterated (DMeDCNQI)2Cu - Is the Heavy Electron Model Applicable?", S.Kagoshima, Y.Saito, A.Miyazaki, N.Wada, H.Yano, T.Osada, R.Kato,
N.Miura, and H.Kobayashi, Physica B201, 493-496 (1994).

(45) "Density Wave v.s. Magnetic Breakdown: Mechanism of High-Field Phase Transition in a-(BEDT-TTF)2XHg(SCN)4", T.Osada, S.Kagoshima, and N.Miura, Synthetic Metals 70, 931-934 (1995).

(46) "Suppression of Density-Wave by the Magnetic Breakdown: A Possible Mechanism for High-Magnetic-Field Phase Transition in the Quasi-Two-Dimensional Organic Conductors a-(BEDT-TTF)2MHg(SCN)4", T.Osada, S.Kagoshima, and N.Miura, Application of High Magnetic Fields in the Physics of Semiconductors, edited by D.Heiman (World Scientific, New Jersey, USA, 1995), p.734-p.737.

(47) "Effect of the Anion Ordering Superlattice on 'The Rapid Oscillations' in (TMTSF)2X", H.Shinagawa, S.Kagoshima, T.Osada, and N.Miura, Synthetic Metals 70, 759-760 (1995).

(48) "Third Angular Effect of Magnetoreistance in Quasi-One-Dimensional Conductors", T.Osada, S.Kagoshima, and N.Miura, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, No.26, 5261-5264 (1996).

(49) "Evidence of Nonlocal Breakdown of the Integer Quantum Hall Effect", S.Komiyama, Y.Kawaguchi, T.Osada, and Y.Shiraki, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, No.3, 558-561 (1996).

(50) "Nonlocal Nature of the Breakdown of the Integer Quantum Hall Effect", Y.Kawaguchi, S.Komiyama, T.Osada, and Y.Shiraki, Physica B227, 183-185 (1996).

(51) "Current Induced Decoupling of Edge States in the Integer Quantum Hall Effect", T.Machida, H.Hirai, S.Komiyama, T.Osada, and Y.Shiraki, Phys. Rev. B54, 14261 (1996).

(52) "Novel Angular Effect and Electron Orbital Motion in Quasi-One-Dimensional Conductors", Toshihito Osada, Synthetic Metals 86, 2143-2144 (1997).

(53) "Semiclassical Angular Effect of Magnetoresistance and Field-Induced Confinement State in the Organic Quasi-One-Dimensional Conductors", Toshihito Osada, Physica B256-258, 633-636 (1998).

(54) "Electronic States of Low-Dimensional Organic Conductors (DMeDCNQI)2Cu and a-(BEDT-TTF)2KHg(SCN)4 under Pressure", S.Kagoshima, Y.Saito, N.Hanasaki, T.Hasegawa, T.Osada, H.Sawa, R.Kato, N.Miura, and G.Saito, Rev. High Pressure Sci. Technol. 7, 437-442 (1998).

(55) "Contribution of Small Closed Orbits to Magnetoresistance in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Organic Conductors", N.Hanasaki, S.Kagoshima, T.Hasegawa, T.Osada, and N.Miura, Phys. Rev. B57, 1336-1339 (1998).

(56) "Antidot Shape Dependence of the Commensurability Oscillation of Magnetoresistance in Two-Dimensional Antidot Arrays", Takashi Azuma and Toshihito Osada, Physica B256-258, 397-400 (1998).

(57) "Semiclassical and Non-Classical Angular Effects in (TMTSF)2X", Toshihito Osada, Nobuharu Kami, Ryusuke Kondo, and Seiichi Kagoshima, Synthetic Metals 103, 2024-2027 (1999).

(58) "Temperature Dependence of Interlayer Surface Transport in Multilayer Quantum Hall System", M.Kuraguchi and T.Osada, Physica E6, 594-597 (2000).

(59) "Vortex Pinning in Anisotropic Josephson Junction Arrays", S.Saito and T.Osada, Physica B284-288, 614-615 (2000).

(60) "Angular Dependent Phenomena in Low-Dimensional Conductors under High Magnetic Fields", T. Osada, H. Nose, and M. Kuraguchi, Physica B294-295, 402-407 (2001).

(61) "Giant Negative Magnetoresistance in Two-Dimensional Antidot Arrays: Ballistic Orbital Effect and Ballistic Weak Localization", T. Osada, H. Nakamura, and Y. Shiraki, Proc. 25th Int. Conf. Phys. Semicond., Osaka 2000 (Eds. N. Miura and T. Ando), 749-750 (Springer, 2001).

(62) "Hofstadter Butterfly and Integer Quantum Hall Effect in Three Dimensions", M. Koshino, H. Aoki, K. Kuroki, S. Kagoshima, and T. Osada, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 1062-1065 (2001).

(63) "Butterfly Spectrum and Integer Quantum Hall Effect in Three Dimensions --- a Mapping between 2D and 3D Hofstadter Problems", M. Koshino, H. Aoki, K. Kuroki, S. Kagoshima, and T. Osada, Physica B298, 97-100 (2001).

(64) "New Megagauss Laboratory of ISSP at Kashiwa", N. Miura, Y. H. Matsuda, K. Uchida, S. Todo, T. Goto, H. Mitamura, T. Osada, and E. Ohmichi, Physica B294-295, 562-567 (2001).

(65) "Angular Dependent Magnetotransport and Electronic Structure in Quasi-One-Dimensional Organic Conductor (TMTSF)2ClO4", Kaya Kobayashi and Toshihito Osada, Synthetic Metals 120, 1029-1030 (2001).

(66) "Commensurability Effect on Field-Induced Spin-Density-Wave Transitions", Hiroyuki Nose and Toshihito Osada, Synthetic Metals 120, 1031-1032 (2001).

(67) "Angular Dependent Magnetoresistance Oscillations in Semiconductor Superlattice with Incoherent Interlayer Coupling", M. Kuraguchi, E. Ohmichi, T. Osada, and Y. Shirakim, Proc. 25th Int. Conf. Phys. Semicond., Osaka 2000 (Eds. N. Miura and T. Ando), 803-804 (Springer, 2001).

(68) "Vortex Dynamics in Multiple Josephson Junction Arrays", S.Saito and T.Osada, Physica C352, 158-161 (2001).

(69) "Torque Magnetometry in Pulsed Magnetic Fields with Use of a Commercial Micro-Cantilever", E. Ohmichi and T. Osada, Rev. Sci. Inst.(2002).

(70) "Electric Field Effect on Magnetoresistance Angular Effects: New Tool to Study Mass Renormalization in Quasi-One-Dimensional Organic Conductors", Kaya Kobayashi, Eiji Ohmichi, and Toshihito Osada, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 63, No.6-8, 1267-1271 (2002).

(71) "Resonant Tunneling Tuned by Magnetic Field Orientations in Anisotropic Multilayer Systems", Toshihito Osada, Physica E12, 272-275 (2002).

(72) "Relationship Between Stark-Cyclotron Resonance and Angular Dependent Magnetoresistance Oscillations", M. Kuraguchi, E. Ohmichi, T. Osada, and Y. Shiraki, Physica E12, 264-266 (2002).

(73) "Field-Induced SDW and Integer Quantum Hall Effect in Anisotropic Three-Dimensional Electron Systems", M. Koshino, H. Aoki, and T. Osada, Physica E12, 157-160 (2002).

(74) "Phase Diagram for the Hofstadter Butterfly and Integer Quantum Hall effect in Three Dimensions", M. Koshino, H. Aoki, T. Osada, K. Kuroki, and S. Kagoshima, Phys. Rev. B65, 045310 (2002).

(75) "Field-Induced Spin-Density-Wave and Butterfly Spectrum in Three Dimensions", M. Koshino, H. Aoki, and T. Osada, Phys. Rev. B65, 205311 (2002).

(76) "Novel Apparatuses for Pulsed Field Experiments: Piezoelectrically Driven Rotator and Microcantilever", E. Ohmichi and T. Osada, Physica B329, 1642-1643 (2003).

(77) "Tunneling Picture of Interlayer Magnetotransport in Multilayer Systems", T. Osada, M. Kuraguchi, K. Kobayashi, and E. Ohmichi, Physica E18, 200-201 (2003).

(78) "Double Metamagnetic Transition in the Bilayer Ruthenate Sr3Ru2O7", E. Ohmichi, Y. Yoshida, S. I. Ikeda, N. V. Mushunikov, T. Goto, and T. Osada, Phys. Rev. B67, 024432 (2003).

(79) "Transport Measurements for Low-Dimensional Conductors under Ultra-High Magnetic Fields Beyond 100T", M. Saito, T. Inokuchi, E. Ohmichi, K. Uchida, and T. Osada, Synth. Met. 133-134, 133-135 (2003).

(80) "Electric Field Effect on Magnetoresistance Angular Effects in Low-Dimensional Organic Conductors", K. Kobayashi, E. Ohmichi, and T. Osada, Synth. Met. 133-134, 71-73 (2003).

(81) "Interlayer Coherency and Angular Dependent Magnetoresistance Oscillations in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Conductors", M. Kuraguchi, E. Ohmichi, T. Osada, and Y. Shiraki, Synth. Met. 133-134, 113-115 (2003).

(82) "Upper Critical Field of k-(BEDT-TTF)2X (X=Cu[N(CN)2]Br, Cu(NCS)2) in Magnetic Fields Parallel to the Layer", E. Ohmichi, T. Ishiguro, J. Yamada, H. Anzai, and T. Osada, Synth. Met. 133-134, 245-246 (2003).

(83) "General Quantum Picture for Magnetoresistance Angular Effects in Quasi-One-Dimensional Conductors", T. Osada and M. Kuraguchi, Synth. Met. 133-134, 75-77 (2003).

(84) "Influence of Interlayer and Interchain Coherence on Magnetoresistance Angular Effects in Q1D Conductors", T. Osada, K. Kobayashi, and E. Ohmichi, Synth. Met. 135-136, 653-654 (2003).

(85) "Magnetic Torque of BEDT-TTF Organic Superconductors in Pulsed Magnetic Fields", E. Ohmichi, T. Osada, and J. Yamada, Synth. Met. 137, 1277-1278 (2003).

(86) "Growth and Transport Measurement of (TMTSF)2PF6/(TMTSF)2ClO4 Hetero-Junctions", K. Kobayashi, E. Ohmichi, and T. Osada, Synth. Met. 135-136, 679-680 (2003).

(87) "Research in Super-High Pulsed Magnetic Fields at the Megagauss Laboratoryof the University of Tokyo", N. Miura, T. Osada, and S. Takeyama, J. Low Temp. Phys. 133, 139-158 (2003).

(88) "Carbon-Substitution Effect on Vortex Order-Disorder Transition in MgB2 Single Crystals", E. Ohmichi, E. Komatsu, T. Masui, S. Lee, S. Tajima, and T. Osada, Phys. Rev. B70, 174513 (2004).

(89) "Colossal Magnetoresistance Accompanying a Structural Transition in a Highly Two-Dimensional Metallic State of Ca3Ru2O7", E. Ohmichi, Y. Yoshida, S. I. Ikeda, N. Shirakawa, and T. Osada, Phys. Rev. B70, 104414 (2004).

(90) "Enhancement of Irreversibility Field in Carbon-Substituted MgB2 Single Crystals", E. Ohmichi, T. Masui, S. Lee, S. Tajima, and T. Osada, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 73, 2065-2068 (2004).

(91) "Metamagnetic Transitions in the Bilayered Ruthenates", E. Ohmichi, Y. Yoshida, S. I. Ikeda, N. V. Mushnikov, T. Goto, and T. Osada, J. Mag. Mag. Mat. 272, 976-978 (2004).

(92) "Application of a Tunnel Diode Oscillator to Noncontact Resistivity Measurement in Pulsed Magnetic Fields", E. Ohmichi, E. Komatsu, and T. Osada, Rev. Sci. Inst. 75, 2094-2097 (2004).

(93) "Micro-Probe Measurement in Pulsed High Magnetic Fields", E. Ohmichi and T. Osada, Physica B346, 509-513 (2004).

(94) "Surface Impedance Measurement with Use of a Tunnel Diode Oscillator in Pulsed Magnetic Fields", E. Komatsu, E. Ohmichi, and T. Osada, Physica B346, 534-538 (2004).

(95) "Transport Measurement of Two-Dimensional Electron System under Ultra-High Magnetic Fields", T. Inokuchi, T. Osada, S. Ikeda, K. Uchida, M. Kuraguchi, A. Ogasawara, E. Ohmichi, and N. Miura, Physica E22, 381-384 (2004).

(96) "Electric Field Effect on Vertical Magnetotransport in Multilayer Systems under Tilted Magnetic Fields", K. Kobayashi, M. Saito, E. Ohmichi, and T. Osada, Physica E22, 385-388 (2004).

(97) "Solid-State Physics towards Pulsed Ultra-High Magnetic Fields at ISSP", S. Takeyama, T. Osada, and N. Miura, Physica B346, 576-581 (2004).

(98) "Magnetotransport Studies under Megagauss Magnetic Fields", T. Osada, T. Inokuchi, and A. Ogasawara, Proc. 10th Int. Conf. Megagauss Magnetic Field Generation and Related Topics, Berlin 2004 (Ed. M. von Ortenberg), 227-233 (VNIIEF, Sarov, 2005).

(99) "Pulse Micromagnet for Practical High-Field Measurements", E. Ohmichi and T. Osada, Rev. Sci. Inst. 76, No.7, 076103 (2005).

(100) "Quantum Features of Angular Dependent Magnetoresistance Oscillations in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Conductors near High Magnetic Field Quantum Limit", Kaya Kobayashi and Toshihito Osada, Synthetic Metals 155, 670-673 (2005).

(101) "Irreversibility Field and Coherence Length of Ca-substituted YBCO Single Crystals", T. Masui, E. Ohmichi, S. Tajima, and T. Osada, Physica C426-431, 335-339 (2005).

(102) "Electric-Field Effect on the Angle-Dependent Magnetotransport Properties of Quasi-One-Dimensional Conductors", K. Kobayashi, M. Saito, E. Ohmichi, and T. Osada, Phys. Rev. Lett. 96, No.12, 126601 (2006).

(103) "Upper Critical Field of b-Pyrochlore KOs2O6 Single Crystals", Eiji Ohmichi, Toshihito Osada, Shigeki Yonezawa, Yuji Muraoka, and Zenji Hiroi, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 75, No.4, 045002 (2006).

(104) "Giant Negative Magnetoresistance Reflecting Molecular Symmetry in Dicyano(phthalocyaninato)iron Compounds", N. Hanasaki, M. Matsuda, H. Tajima, E. Ohmichi, T. Osada, T. Naito and T. Inabe, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 75, No.3, 033703 (2006).

(105) "Magnetotransport and Magnetic-Field-Induced Density Waves in Low-Dimensional Layered Conductors", T. Osada and E. Ohmichi, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 75, No.5, 051006 (2006).

(106) "Charge Disproportionation in Highly One-Dimensional Molecular Conductor TPP[Co(Pc)(CN)2]2", N. Hanasaki, K. Masuda, K. Kodama, M. Matsuda, H. Tajima, J. Yamazaki, M. Takigawa, J. Yamaura, E. Ohmichi, T. Osada, T. Naito and T. Inabe, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 75, No.10, 104713 (2006).

(107) "Anomalous Behavior in M-T Curve of b-FeSi2 Single Crystals", K. Suga, E. Ohmichi, T. Osada, K. Kindo, M. Sasaki, A. Ohnishi, M. Saito, T. Kikuchi, S. Nonoyama, and S. Adachi, J. Phys: Conf. Ser. 51, 155-158 (2006).

(108) "Spin Polarized States in Bismuth Based Manganites", M. Tokunaga, S. Hakuta, T. Tamegai, E. Ohmichi, and T. Osada, J. Phys: Conf. Ser. 51, 235-238 (2006).

(109) "Pseudogap Closing Field of the Overdoped Bi1.79Pb0.37Sr1.86CuO6+d Investigated by the Out-of-Plane Resistivity in Pulsed Magnetic Fields up to 40T", K. Kudo, T. Sasaki, E. Ohmichi, T. Osada, N. Okumura, T. Nishizaki, and N. Kobayashi, J. Phys: Conf. Ser. 51, 291-294 (2006).

(110) "Magnetotransport Measurements of Low Dimensional Conductors under Pulsed Ultra-High Magnetic Fields", H. Imamura, K. Uchida, E. Ohmichi, and T. Osada, J. Phys: Conf. Ser. 51, 303-306 (2006).

(111) "Magnetotransport and Magnetic Properties of b-FeSi2 Single Crystals", M. Sasaki, A. Ohnishi, M. Saito, S. Nonoyama, T. Osada, E. Ohmichi, K. Suga, K. Kindo, and Y. Hara, J. Phys: Conf. Ser. 51, 423-426 (2006).

(112) "X-ray and Neutron Transparent Pulse Magnets", E. Ohmichi, N. Ikeda, Y. Nogami, and T. Osada, J. Phys: Conf. Ser. 51, 498-501 (2006).

(113) "Interlayer Magnetoresistance of Quasi-One-Dimensional Layered Organic Conductors", W. Kang, T. Osada, Y. J. Jo, and Haeyong Kang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 017002(1-4) (2007).

(114) "Metal-Insulator Transition of Charge Transfer Salts Based on Unsymmetrical Donor DMET and Metal Halide Anions, (DMET)4(MCl4)(TCE)2 (M=Mn, Co, Cu, Zn; TCE=1,1,2-trichloroethane)", Hiroshi Ito, Daichi Suzuki, Harutaka Watanabe, Hisaaki Tanaka, Shin-ichi Kuroda, Masamichi Umemiya, Norihito Kobayashi, Makoto Goto, Ken-ichi Sugiura, Hitoshi Miyasaka, Shinya Takaishi, Takashi Kajiwara, Masahiro Yamashita, Eiji Ohmichi, Toshihito Osada, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129, 8510-8518 (2007).

(115) "Interlayer Surface Transport in Multilayer Quantum Hall Systems under Tilted Magnetic Fields", Shinji Okui, Eiji Ohmichi, and Toshihito Osada, Int. J. of Mod. Phys. B21, No.8&9, 1524-1528 (2007).

(116) "Negative Interlayer Magnetoresistance and Zero-Mode Landau Level in Multilayer Dirac Electron Systems", Toshihito Osada, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 77, No.8, 084711/1-5 (2008).

(117) "The enhanced negative magnetoresistance of Fe/Tb multilayer at multiextreme conditions", Masashi Ohashi, Gendo Oomi, Eiji Ohmichi, Toshihito Osada, Katsuyoshi Takano, Hiroshi Sakurai, and Fumitake Itoh, J. Appl. Phys. 104, No.7, 073901/1-4 (2008).

(118) "High-Frequency Electron Spin Resonance System Using a Microcantilever and a Pulsed Magnetic Field", E. Ohmichi, N. Mizuno, M. Kimata, H. Ohta, and T. Osada, Rev. Sci. Inst. 80, 013904/1-5 (2009).

(119) "Magnetothermal instability in the organic layered superconductor k-(BEDT-TTF)2Cu(NCS)2", T. Konoike, K. Uchida, T. Osada, T. Yamaguchi, M. Nishimura, T. Terashima, S. Uji, and J. Yamada, Phys. Rev. B79, 054509/1-5 (2009).

(120) "First observation of angle-dependent Stark cyclotron resonance in bulk crystals: High-electric-field interlayer magnetotransport in a layered organic conductor", A. Kumagai, T. Konoike, K. Uchida, and T. Osada, Physica B405, S202?S204 (2010).

(121) "Field-angle dependence of interlayer off-diagonal magnetoresistance in quasi two-dimensional layered conductors", S. Sugawara, T. Shimizu, and T. Osada, Physica B405, S208?S210 (2010).

(122) "Angle-dependent magnetoresistance oscillations and magnetic breakdown in a-(BEDT-TTF)2KHg(SCN)4", K. Uchida, T. Konoike, and T. Osada, Physica B405, S221?S223 (2010).

(123) "Phase diagram of the field-induced spin density wave state in (TMTSF)2ClO4 deduced from the specific heat measurements", T. Konoike, K. Uchida, and T. Osada, Physica B405, S104?S105 (2010).

(124) "Quasi-One-Dimensional Organic Conductors", Toshihito Osada, JSPS-KOSEF-NSFC A3 Foresight Program Lecture Note Series "Sub-10 nm Wires and Layers" vol. 2 (ed. by S. Hasegawa et al.), pp. 85-121 (2010).

(125) "Anomalous Interlayer Hall Effect in Multilayer Massless Dirac Fermion System at the Quantum Limit", Toshihito Osada, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 80, No.3, 033708/1-4 (2011).

(126) "Magnetotransport of Massless Dirac Fermions in Multilayer Organic Conductors", T. Osada, K. Uchida, and T. Konoike, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 334, 012049/1-5 (2011).

(127)"Quantum Hall Transport across Monolayer-Bilayer Boundary in Graphene", A. Tsukuda, H. Okunaga, D. Nakahara, K. Uchida, T. Konoike, and T. Osada, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 334, 012038/1-5 (2011).

(128)"Observation of Angle-Dependent Stark Cyclotron Resonance in a Layered Organic Conductor", Atsushi Kumagai, Takako Konoike, Kazuhito Uchida, and Toshihito Osada, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 81, No.2, 023708/1-4 (2012). [JPSJ Paper of Editors' Choice] [科学新聞2012年2月24日刊(第3377号)に関連記事掲載]

(129)"Magnetotransport in organic Dirac fermion system at the quantum limit: Interlayer Hall effect and surface transport via helical edge states", Toshihito Osada, Phys. Status Solidi B 249, No.5, 962?966 (2012).

(130)"Specific Heat of the Multilayered Massless Dirac Fermion System", Takako Konoike, Kazuhito Uchida, and Toshihito Osada, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 81, No.4, 043601/1-4 (2012). [JPSJ Paper of Editors' Choice]

(131)"Specific heat study of massless Dirac fermion system a-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 under pressure", T. Konoike, K. Uchida, and T. Osada, Phys. Status Solidi C 9, No.5, 1177-1179 (2012).

(132)"Angle-Dependent Magnetoresistance Oscillations and Charge Density Wave in the Organic Conductor a-(BEDT-TTF)2KHg(SCN)4", Kazuhito Uchida, Ryu Yamaguchi, Takako Konoike, Toshihito Osada, and Woun Kang, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 82, No.4, 043714/1-4 (2013).

(133)"Anomalous Thermoelectric Transport and Giant Nernst Effect in Multilayered Massless Dirac Fermion System", Takako Konoike, Mitsuyuki Sato, Kazuhito Uchida, and Toshihito Osada, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 82, No.7, 073601/1-4 (2013).

(134)"Stereoscopic study of the angle-dependent magnetoresistance oscillations across the charge-density-wave transition of the organic conductor a-(BEDT-TTF)2KHg(SCN)4", W. Kang, T. Osada, T. Konoike, and K. Uchida, Phys. Rev. B 88, No.19, 195105/1-9 (2013).

(135)"Edge State and Intrinsic Hole Doping in Bilayer Phosphorene", Toshihito Osada, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 84, 013703/1-4 (2015). [DOI: 10.7566/JPSJ.84.013703]

(136)"Surface Transport in the n=0 Quantum Hall Ferromagnetic State in the Organic Dirac Fermion System", Toshihito Osada, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 84, 053704/1-4 (2015). [DOI:10.7566/JPSJ.84.053704] [JPSJ Paper of Editors' Choice] [科学新聞2015年6月19日刊(第3540号)に関連記事掲載]

(137)"Electronic Structure and the Properties of Phosphorene and Few-layer Black Phosphorus", Shuhei Fukuoka, Toshihiro Taen, and Toshihito Osada, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 84, 121004/1-12 (2015). [DOI:10.7566/JPSJ.84.121004][JPSJ Special Topics]

(138)"Chern Insulator Phase in a Lattice of an Organic Dirac Semimetal with Intracellular Potential and Magnetic Modulations", Toshihito Osada, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 86, No.12, 123702/1-5 (2017). [DOI:10.7566/JPSJ.86.123702][arXiv:1710.01099]

(139)"Thickness-dependent phase transition in graphite under high magnetic field", Toshihiro Taen, Kazuhito Uchida, and Toshihito Osada, Phys. Rev. B 97, 115122/1-7 (2018). [DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.97.115122][Editor's Suggestion]

(140)"Topological Insulator State due to Finite Spin-Orbit Interaction in an Organic Dirac Fermion System", Toshihito Osada, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 87, 075002/1-2 (2018). [DOI:10.7566/JPSJ.87.075002][arXiv:1804.09420]

(141)"Tunable magnetoresistance in thin-film graphite field-effect transistor by gate voltage", Toshihiro Taen, Kazuhito Uchida, Toshihito Osada, and Woun Kang, Phys. Rev. B 98, 155136/1-7 (2018). [DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.98.155136]

(142)"Double carrier transport in electron doped region in black phosphorus FET", Kohei Hirose, Toshihito Osada, Kazuhito Uchida, Toshihiro Taen, Kenji Watanabe, Takashi Taniguchi, and Yuichi Akahama, Appl. Phys. Lett. 113, No.19, 193101/1-4 (2018). [DOI:10.1063/1.5048233][arXiv:1807.02660]

(143)"Anisotropy of Dirac cones and Van Hove singularity in an organic Dirac fermion system", Ayaka Mori, Mitsuyuki Sato, Takeshi Yajima, Takako Konoike, Kazuhito Uchida, and Toshihito Osada, Phys. Rev. B 99, No.3, 035106/1-5 (2019). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.99.035106][arXiv:1810.13079]

(144)"Highly anisotropic interlayer magnetoresitance in ZrSiS nodal-line Dirac semimetal", M. Novak , S. N. Zhang, F. Orbanic, N. Bilikov, G. Eguchi, S. Paschen, A. Kimura, X. X. Wang, T. Osada, K. Uchida, M. Sato, Q. S. Wu, O. V. Yazyev, and I. Kokanovi, Phys. Rev. B 100, No.8, 085137/1-7 (2019). [DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.100.085137][arXiv:1904.09933]

(145)"Topological Properties of t-type Organic Conductors with a Checkerboard Lattice", Toshihito Osada, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 88, No.11, 114707/1-7 (2019). [DOI:10.7566/JPSJ.88.114707][arXiv: 1907.10574]

(146)"Possible Current-Induced Phenomena and Domain Control in an Organic Dirac Fermion System with Weak Charge Ordering", Toshihito Osada and Andhika Kiswandhi, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 89, No.10, 103701/1-5 (2020). [DOI: 10.7566/JPSJ.89.103701][arXiv: 2008.10844]
Erratum: J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 89, No.12, 128002 (2020). [DOI: 10.7566/JPSJ.89.128002]

(147)"Experimental Confirmation of Massive Dirac Fermions in Weak Charge-Ordering State in a-(BEDT-TTF)2I3", Kenta Yoshimura, Mitsuyuki Sato, and Toshihito Osada, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 90, No.3, 033701/1-5 (2021). [DOI: 10.7566/JPSJ.90.033701][arXiv: 2101.06447]

(148)"Possible Nonlinear Anomalous Thermoelectric Effect in Organic Massive Dirac Fermion System", Toshihito Osada and Andhika Kiswandhi, J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. 90, No.5, 053704/1-5 (2021). [DOI: 10.7566/JPSJ.90.053704][arXiv: 2103.16925] [JPSJ Paper of Editors' Choice][JPS Hot Topics, https://doi.org/10.7566/JPSHT.1.037]


(01)「強磁場中のブロッホ電子のエネルギー準位と電気伝導」、長田俊人・川澄篤・鹿児島誠一、固体物理 26, No.10, 615-627 (1991).

(02)「磁場により誘起されるスピン密度波とその逐次転移」、長田俊人、日本物理学会誌 50, No.3, 192-201 (1995).

(03)「分子性導体におけるマグネティック・ブレークダウンと磁場誘起電子相転移」、長田俊人、固体物理 30, No.10, 843-858 (1995).

(04)「有機導体における磁場中輸送現象」、長田俊人、固体物理 34, No.5, 372-380 (1999).

(05)「マイクロカンチレバーを用いたパルス磁場中磁気トルク測定法の開発」、大道英二・長田俊人、固体物理 37, No.10, 753-761 (2002).

(06)「層状低次元導体における磁気抵抗角度効果(T) −トンネル描像と層間コヒーレンス−」、長田俊人・蔵口雅彦・小早川将子・大道英二、固体物理 41, No.4, 239-249 (2006).

(07)「層状低次元導体における磁気抵抗角度効果(U) −高電場下の層間磁気伝導−」、長田俊人・蔵口雅彦・小早川将子・小林夏野・池田悟・大道英二、固体物理 42, No.3, 157-167 (2007).

(08)「グラファイトの磁気輸送とディラック電子」、長田俊人・今村大樹・内田和人・鴻池貴子、固体物理45, No.11, 599-610 (2010).

(09)「a-(BEDT-TTF)2I3におけるディラック電子系の比熱とその磁場効果」、鴻池貴子・内田和人・長田俊人、固体物理47, No.7, 301-307 (2012).

(10)「角度依存シュタルクサイクロトロン共鳴法の開発」(特集「物理科学,この1年」/物性物理(小野嘉之編))、長田俊人、パリティ28, No.1, 20-23 (2013).

(11)「強磁場下電気伝導に現れるサイクロトロン共鳴」、長田俊人・熊谷篤・内田和人・鴻池貴子、固体物理48, No.2, 65-73 (2013).

(12)「有機ディラック電子系における量子ホール状態」、田嶋尚也・佐藤光幸・鴻池貴子・長田俊人、固体物理49, No.4, 229-240 (2014).

(13)「原子層におけるトポロジー物理」、長田俊人、表面科学 37, No.11, 535-540 (2016).

(14)「有機ディラック電子系における高圧力下熱測定」(特集「高圧力で拓くトポロジカル物質の新規物性」)、鴻池貴子・内田和人・長田俊人、高圧力の科学と技術 30, No.4, 274-280 (2020). [DOI: https://doi.org/10.4131/jshpreview.30.274]


(01)"Recent Progress in the Science of Atomic Layers: JPSJ Special Topics", Toshihito Osada, AAPPS (Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies) Bulletin 26, 51-52 (2016). [ISSN: 0218-2203]

(02)「新著紹介: H. Aoki, M. S. Dresselhaus, Eds. "Physics of Graphene" (Springer, 2014)」、長田俊人、日本物理学会誌 71, No.6, 398 (2016). [ISSN: 0029-0181]


(01)実験物理学シリーズ第5巻「強磁場の発生と応用」(三浦登編)5.2節「パルス磁場下の電気的測定」、長田俊人、pp.264-279 (共立出版、東京、2008).

(02)「グラフェンの機能と応用展望U」(斉木幸一郎監修)第16章「グラフェンの量子ホール伝導」、長田俊人、pp.169-184 (シーエムシー出版、東京、2012).

(03)「電気伝導−低次元電子系の量子伝導」、長田俊人、「物性科学ハンドブック −概念・現象・物質−」(東京大学物性研究所 編)第7章、pp.348-475 (朝倉書店、東京、2016). [ISBN: 978-4-254-13112-3 C3042].

(04)"Physics and Chemistry of Graphene: Graphene to Nanographene" (Second Edition) edited by Toshiaki Enoki and Tsuneya Ando, Chapter 7 "Current Topics: 7.1 Quantum Hall Effect and Spin-Orbit Interaction", Toshihito Osada, pp.501-526 (Jenny Stanford Publishing Pte. Ltd., Singapore, 2019). [ISBN 978-981-4800-38-9 (Hardcover), ISBN 978-0-429-02331-6 (eBook)]

(05)「グラフェンから広がる二次元物質の新技術と応用」(吾郷浩樹・齋藤理一郎監修)第6章10節「黒リン超薄膜の電子構造と物性」、長田俊人、pp.437-443 (エヌ・ティー・エス、東京、2020). [ISBN:978-4-86043-663-6 Cコード:C3042]


